Tuesday, March 3, 2020

The poetics of space

 This reading was quite hard to understand. But the focus was on the house and its pyscological aspects. To me the house is represented like a person. A house is a vertical being it says and it says that it can remain with its verticality because of its polarity within the cellar and the attic/roof. The roof gives away its purpose at first glance, while the cellar has no purpose until given one. The cellar is seen as dark and the attic is seemingly dreamy. This leaves the center of the house to be polarized and centralized. People are like this in a way that you need to have the positives and the negatives all within you to be who you are. The psychological roller coaster inside of a human, has both ups and downs, which is what creates the even balance that is needed to create a centralized you.

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