“TV Buddha” by Nam June Paik, is a piece that I have seen before but did not know much about. It was nice to read this blurb about it because it actually has a great thought provoking meaning. The buddha is staring at a tv with a camera pointed at him. It appears as tho it is a live recording, but the image stays still as a mirror image with nothing moving in the background. This presses the question: is the buddha staring into the present as a live image or the past by it being a recording.
I’ve never heard of Joan Jonas not have I ever seen this work “vertical roll” It seems like an interesting concept to recreate the effect that an old tv would naturally create. I also think it was successful to never show the figure fully, and instead show piece by piece and let the imagination put those pieces together into a full figure.
The next artist showcased is Bill Viola with his work “He Weeps for You.” I actually saw this piece very recently while I was researching interesting video art. I think this is very cool because he uses a water droplet as a way to capture images instead of showing a room or image from a still shot. We talked recently about how you can project your art on many surfaces and I think this relates to that even though this isn’t the presentation.
Lastly Zhang Peili’s video “Eating” is interesting to me because it is shown as a triple stack of videos. It shows three different views of one act occurring: eating. One is of the cheek/jaw, one of the mouth and one of the plate of food. I like the way this was presented and how the use of sculpture was incorporated to make it more visually appealing and interesting.
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