I really like the work that this artist produces. I love the colors and movement that each piece uniquely expresses. Also I like the process used and i like how he decides to show that and have it become art within itself. His website I like because it stylistically does a great job at representing him and his art. Also his website has a tab for everything up top so that it is well organized and easily accessible. Another thing i like is that everything about him and his work is included in the website there is nothing i could be looking for and not find.
So what i love about this artist is that she produces very large works and she uses a million layers of translucent symbols and strokes in her paintings; but this website does not show any of this at all. Also she uses very vibrant colors and when her website opens up it is of one of her colorful works of art, but then you go over to her about page and it is very plain just grey and white. I do not like this because it doesn't represent her very well in my opinion.
This artist's website has a very interactive home page which i think is rally cool and different. This is the main reason i like this website; its also well organized but i don't really like the pull out menu or a few of the tabs because they are confusing. The info tab is awesome and I really like that she wants to build a relationship with anyone who wants to be a collector of her art. I enjoy her art because its simple and sketch looking with lines that just keep going and going to become faces and shapes.
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