Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Jazele Assignment 3

For this assignment I decided to use the practice of yoga to represent my self portrait. I have really been getting more and more into yoga and the benefits of clearing your mind that come along with it. For this I decided to create my own small sequence flow and go through it in a way that people would be interested to view/ breathe along. The circles represent the importance of breath in yoga. While the circle expands it means to breathe in and while it contacts you breathe out, with small breaks at the end of the inhale and exhale. Each movement is aligned with the breathe as with yoga that is how you should focus, to maintain nd mind body connection.

Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Assignment 3 so far

 This is what I have forsake that I know I'm going to use. The circles expand as we breathe in and contract as we breathe out- breath is very important in yoga and that's why I'm visually symbolizing it. 

I am working with the background currently and have a few different ideas and starts for it but that's mostly what I'm looking for insight on.