Sunday, September 23, 2018

the imagined self

me on a bridge over the horizon

led uv lights

Monday, September 17, 2018

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Thursday, September 6, 2018

7- and 12-Megapixel iPhone 7 Camera (self portrait 5 pics)

me in the car


me outside

my shadow

me outside, again



Line & Plane

Point, Line, & Plane

Point, Line, and Plane


Point & Plane



Point & Line



Point, Line, & Plane

No one cares

I think that blogs are a cool idea because anything you want to put on one, you can. They are completely personalizable and can also be interesting to read because of the vast topics that every blog is about. If you're looking for something specific, someone has probably written about it; and if they haven't then there is your topic for your blog. The reading though I didn't find too helpful because it was outdated and had a lot of information I already knew.  Although it could help with springing up new ideas.

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Old Art

ceramic pot I made last year (2017)
ceramic pot I made last year (2017)

I drew this Mickey Mouse many years ago in an art class with colored pencils

These are converse that I drew in oil pastels many years ago in an art class

This is a colored pencil drawing I did of a wine glass with nature blurred in the background